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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

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Super Junior (Korean: 슈퍼주니어 ), also known as simply SJ or SuJu (Korean: 슈주), is a thirteen-member South Korean boy band formed by SM Entertainment in 2005, masterminded by Lee Soo Man. Super Junior (Korea: 슈퍼 주니어), juga dikenal sebagai hanya SJ atau SuJu (Korea: 슈주), adalah tiga belas anggota boy band Korea Selatan yang dibentuk oleh SM Entertainment pada tahun 2005, didalangi oleh Lee Soo Man.

The group initially debuted with twelve members on November 6, 2005 with the single, “TWINS (Knock Out)”. Grup yang awalnya debutnya dengan dua belas anggota pada tanggal 6 November 2005 dengan single "TWINS (Knock Out)". The original twelve members, from oldest to youngest, are 이특 (Leeteuk - the leader), 김희철 (Heechul), 韓庚 (Han Geng), 예성 (Yesung), 강인 (Kangin), 신동 (Shindong), 이성민 (Sungmin), 은혁 (Eunhyuk), 시원 (Siwon), 이동해 (Donghae), 려욱 (Ryeowook) and 기범 (Kibum). Anggota dua belas yang asli, dari tertua ke termuda, adalah 이특 (Leeteuk - pemimpin), 김희철 (Heechul),韩庚(Han Geng), 예성 (Yesung), 강인 (Kangin), 신동 (Shindong), 이성민 (Sungmin), 은혁 (Eunhyuk), 시원 (Siwon), 이동해 (Donghae), 려욱 (Ryeowook) dan 기범 (Kibum). The Chinese member, Han Geng, was chosen among the 3,000 applicants through auditions held in China by SM Entertainment in 2001. Anggota Cina, Han Geng, terpilih di antara 3.000 pelamar melalui audisi yang diadakan di Cina oleh SM Entertainment pada tahun 2001.

Many of the members had already pursued an entertainment career before Super Junior's debut through acting, DJ-ing, and modeling. Banyak anggota sudah mengejar karier hiburan sebelum Super Junior's debut melalui akting, DJ-ing, dan modeling. On May 23, 2006 SM Entertainment announced the addition of a new member, 조규현 (Kyuhyun), making them the thirteen-member group they are today. Pada tanggal 23 Mei 2006 SM Entertainment mengumumkan penambahan anggota baru, 조규현 (Kyuhyun), membuat mereka tiga belas kelompok anggota mereka hari ini. Moreover, before the addition of their 13th member, they were simply a project group named SuperJunior05. Selain itu, sebelum penambahan 13 anggota mereka, mereka hanya sebuah grup dengan nama proyek SuperJunior05. With his addition, the “05” was dropped and Super Junior became an official band. Dengan tambahan, "05" dijatuhkan dan Super Junior menjadi band resmi.

Super Junior also has four sub-units with three different concentrations. Super Junior juga memiliki empat sub-unit dengan tiga konsentrasi yang berbeda. The first one, Super Junior KRY, consists of Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Yesung, and focuses on singing ballad songs. Yang pertama, Super Junior KRY, terdiri dari Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, dan Yesung, dan berfokus pada menyanyikan lagu-lagu balada. The second, Super Junior T, consists of Heechul, Kangin, Shindong, Eunhyuk, Leeteuk, and Sungmin. Yang kedua, Super Junior T, terdiri dari Heechul, Kangin, Shindong, Eunhyuk, Leeteuk, dan Sungmin. Super Junior T focuses on singing trot songs, an old style of Korean pop music. Super Junior T berfokus pada berderap menyanyikan lagu-lagu, gaya lama musik pop Korea. The third, Super Junior M, is made up of Han Geng, Siwon, Donghae, plus two SM Trainees, Henry and Zhou Mi. Yang ketiga, Super Junior M, terdiri dari Han Geng, Siwon, Donghae, ditambah dua SM Trainees, Henry dan Zhou Mi. Kyuhyun and Ryeowook were added later. Kyuhyun dan Ryeowook ditambahkan kemudian. They focus on singing Mandarin Chinese songs. Mereka memusatkan perhatian pada Cina Mandarin menyanyikan lagu-lagu. The fourth, Super Junior Happy, is comprised of every member of Super Junior T except for Heechul, who is replaced by Yesung. Keempat, Super Junior Happy, terdiri dari setiap anggota Super Junior T kecuali Heechul, yang digantikan oleh Yesung.
Super Junior's third album, Sorry, Sorry, was released on March 12, 2009. Super Junior album ketiga, Maaf, Maaf, dirilis pada 12 Maret 2009. The title single off the album, “Sorry, Sorry” was digitally released on March 9, 2009. Satu judul dari album, "Maaf, Maaf" adalah digital dirilis pada 9 Maret 2009. In less than a week after preorders were announced, over 150,000 copies were pre-ordered. Dalam waktu kurang dari seminggu setelah diumumkan preorders, lebih dari 150.000 eksemplar pra-memerintahkan. Sorry, Sorry was their first album to debut at #1 on the Hanteo Charts, and it sold over 29,000 copies the first day, defeating Seo Taiji's record of 25,000. Maaf, Maaf adalah album pertama mereka debut di # 1 pada Hanteo Charts, dan terjual lebih dari 29.000 eksemplar pada hari pertama, mengalahkan rekor Seo Taiji dari 25.000. Promotions for the album started March 13 with the performance of “Sorry, Sorry” and “Why I Like You” on Music Bank. Promosi untuk album mulai 13 Maret dengan kinerja "Maaf, Maaf" dan "Mengapa aku Like You" di Music Bank. Two weeks later, “Sorry, Sorry” became the number one song of the week on the same program. Dua minggu kemudian, "Maaf, Maaf" menjadi nomor satu lagu dalam satu minggu di program yang sama. During the group's performance on music program Popular Songs on March 15, ratings went up to as high as 14%, the highest in recent years. Selama kinerja kelompok pada program musik Lagu-lagu Populer pada 15 Maret naik ke peringkat setinggi 14%, yang tertinggi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. From March to May, “Sorry, Sorry” collected a total of ten #1 awards with consecutive wins. Dari bulan Maret sampai Mei, "Maaf, Maaf" mengumpulkan total sepuluh # 1 penghargaan dengan consecutive wins. On May 12, Super Junior released their new album “It's You”. On May 12, Super Junior merilis album baru mereka "It's You". The music video for the song “It's You” was released two days before schedule because it was leaked onto the internet with only 3 seconds missing so without any editing they released it. Video musik untuk lagu "It's You" dirilis dua hari sebelum jadwal karena itu bocor ke internet dengan hanya 3 detik hilang sehingga tanpa pengeditan mereka merilis itu. Three days later they released what they called “It's You (Drama Version)”. Tiga hari kemudian mereka merilis apa yang mereka sebut "It's You (Drama Version)". A month later, on June 15, they released “It's You (Dance Version)”. Sebulan kemudian, pada tanggal 15 Juni, mereka merilis "It's You (Dance Version)". In the unedited and edited version Kibum only showed up in the beginning and a minute part in the middle of the videos. Dalam versi diedit dan disunting Kibum hanya muncul di awal dan satu menit bagian di tengah-tengah video. In the dance version Kibum again did not appear. Dalam versi tarian lagi Kibum tidak muncul. Promotions for “It's You” ended in early June so SM could promote SNSD's new song. Promosi untuk "It's You" berakhir pada awal Juni agar SM bisa mempromosikan lagu SNSD yang baru. Super Junior is currently preparing for their Super Show tour. Super Junior saat ini sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk Super Show tur mereka. They will hold two concerts in Japan in August 2009. Mereka akan mengadakan dua konser di Jepang pada bulan Agustus 2009.

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